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Haiti Update

I realize it has been a few weeks since I have updated my blog, giving all of you the details of how things are going here in Haiti. Please accept my apologies and realize it has not been due to a lack of God moving here…but rather a lack of motivation on my part to carve out the time to tell each of you about it.


To date, we have baptized 26 people into the family of God! Upon arriving here back in May, God revealed to me that I would be involved with baptizing people into His family, but I never would have guessed that it would have been 26 people! That in itself is pretty amazing and the highlight of my summer. Each of those 26 people have a story and a testimony of how God radically transformed their life here in Haiti! To be witness to that has been such an encouragement to why I do the work that I do.


In addition, one of my own staff has felt the desire to recommit her life to God as well. Jen will be rededicating her life in the week to come, not because she has never been baptized, but because she wants to confirm publicly her identity in Christ and rebuke the lies and insecurity that the enemy uses to try and keep her from the life God has made for her.


Ministry is going great! We have walked several people through the prayer of salvation and watched as they accepted Christ for the first time! Yesterday, a family of four followed one of our teams in the street and stopped them. Upon talking with them, we found out that they wanted to give their lives to God and asked us to help them do that. We walked them back to their house and all at once, the entire family accepted God into their hearts and lives!!


Healings have continued to happen right before our eyes. Sickness and injury have been removed as we prayed! Cysts have disappeared. Pain has fled the body. Heart complications have remedied themselves all in the name of Jesus.


Students have gone home on fire about the God they encountered here in Haiti, and wanting to share with anyone who will listen about how they heard God’s voice and the things He said to them! Lives have been forever changed for the Kingdom of Heaven. Lives have been wrecked in a great way!


To all of my supporters who have made it possible for me to do the work God has called me to, THANK YOU! This summer would not have been possible had it not been for each of you believing in me and in the calling that God has given me! You have played a direct role in these lives being forever changed!


In closing I would like to tell all of you about a little boy named Guyver. He is 14 and lives in a displacement camp with his 2 siblings and his mother. Guyver and his family were forced into this camp after the earthquake as a result of losing their home, and everything in it. For the past year and half, they have lived in a tent that is 8’ x 8’. The four of them have been crammed in this tent and made the best of it. I have gotten to know Guyver over the past year and this young man has moved me to tears on more than one occasion. What is unique about Guyver is that he has already made a decision to sacrifice his life in service of glorifying God. At 14, he has started vacation bible schools in the tent city in order to bring hope to the younger kids. Nobody asked him to, he just did it because he saw a need. Guyver spends his free time traveling around Haiti with his pastor telling the people in the remote hillside about Jesus and the love that awaits them. There is a holy presence about Guyver that I simply cannot put into words. God has anointed this young man to do great and amazing things! When Guyver preaches, people listen. When he prays, I get goose bumps. I hear the voice of God in this boy. I see God’s face in Guyver’s. I want to do something to help Guyver and his family. Sure, there are hundreds of stories just like Guyver, and there are hundreds of families needing help. The thing is, God has asked me to do something to help this boy, and I want to be obedient to that. I am trying to raise $1,000 to put Guyver into a house for one year. That is all it costs to rent a modest home here in Haiti for an entire year! This boy has sacrificed everything in order to spread the gospel and restore hope to his country. How great would it be to be the hands and feet of Jesus for this family? Would you consider donating to help get this family into a home? We already have $200 raised, and need another $800 to make a difference in the lives of this family! Pray about it, and if you feel led, you may donate to my support account. I will ensure the money gets used for Guyver. Our goal is to have them move into our staff house when we move out in 3 weeks. (fully furnished 2 bedroom / 1 bath)


Thanks to all of you for your prayers, and your continued support!