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I accepted Christ as my personal savior almost 6 years ago. I wasn’t raised in a Christian home, so naturally it took me some time to seek God out on my own. It is hard to describe, but I always knew there was something missing in my life, but I didn’t know what it was. Deep in my gut, I knew I had a void in my life that nothing else was able to fill. Once I got to know the goodness and love that God had to offer me, I immediately found that peace that was always missing! 
I just recently felt a calling to full time ministry. I initially felt a calling, but didn’t quite understand what it was about, or what exactly it looked like for me. I spent a couple weeks thinking it over and trying to come up with all the answers on how it was going to work. After giving it some thought, I decided that I was too comfortable in my stable federal job to ever leave and explore something like ministry. I pretty much told God no, that I would not be giving that any more thought. I made this decision on a Friday night. The very next day at the end of one of our evening services, I was approached by our executive pastor and he went on to tell me that during the alter call, he had overheard me praying with a woman and at that moment, he said that God spoke to him and told him that he needed to come and speak with me about ministry work. As the pastor was telling me this, my eyes lit up, and I became extremely intrigued by what he was saying to me. I had never told anyone that I had been considering or contemplating full time ministry work, so to have a pastor approach me about it less than a day after I said no to God was a very clear sign to me that God was not happy with my answer! I shared with the pastor that I had been thinking it over already, and that I decided against it the day before. After a lengthy and heartfelt talk, I decided that I needed to be obedient to what God had placed on my heart. 

That has led me to AIM, and serving His kingdom through short term mission work. I am in the early stages of pursuing a life of full time ministry, but I enter into it blindly and full of faith!

One response to “About Me”

  1. I am so happy for you and for the surety of God’s call. I would have to argue that you don’t enter this new season of life completely blind, though. 🙂 Without presumptions, yes. Blind, no. You have six years of seeing the faithfulness of God up close and personal. You may not know the details of what awaits you. But you certainly know your Traveling Companion and Guide! I look forward to seeing this “not quite so blind” journey unfold. Blessings to you on the journey, brother!